Planned Outages for Services Improvements (2024)

Planned Outages for
Maintenance & System

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (1)

Every year, we schedule thousands of system upgrades throughout the region to improve your service. However, in order for our crews to perform this work safely, we may need to temporarily interrupt your electric service.

Watch the video below and read ahead to learn more about planned power outages, what to expect, and how to prepare.

Planned Outage Notifications: What to Expect

If aplanned maintenance-relatedpower outage is needed in your area, you willget the followingnotifications:

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (2)

An email, text message and/or mailed letter in advance with details including outage date(s), reason, and estimated restoration time(s).

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (3)

An automated phone call informing you of the outage. The message will direct you to this webpage and provide a phone number if you have questions.

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (4)

An automated phone call, email, and/or text message the day before the planned outage occurs to make sure you are prepared.*

*Scheduled outages can begin as soon as 12 a.m. the next day, so make sure you review your email and/or mailed letter to ensure you know all the details.

Track your planned outage: Visit our outage map and click on the blue planned outage tab to see a detailed summary of planned outages in our service area. Your planned outage details will be available on this page up to three days before it is scheduled.

Rescheduled or canceled outages: Unsafe weather conditions, unexpected events or other factors may require us to reschedule or cancel planned maintenance outages for safety. If the planned outage is rescheduled, you will receive an email, text message and/or phone call from us as soon as possible.

Didn’t get a notification? Log into My Account to make sure your contact information is up to date and your notification preferences are on to get outage information. If your area will be affected by a planned outage, an orange banner will also be displayed across the top of your screen in My Account with outage details.

Do you or does someone in your home have a disability, use an electronic medical device for health, safety and/or independence or prefer to receive information in a language other than English? Complete this form so we can better serve you.
Have more questions about the planned outage in your area? Please call us at 1-800-211-7343 to get more information.

Prepare for a Planned Outage

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (5)

Medical Needs

Have medical needs that require electricity?

Some people depend on uninterrupted power to operate medical equipment in their homes. Since we cannot guarantee uninterrupted service you should always have a backup plan. This could mean a backup power system or other arrangements.

  • Equipment backup: If your medical equipment is supplied by a hospital or a durable medical equipment company, work with them to develop an emergency or backup plan. Some companies may supply additional medical equipment and other services during emergency situations.
  • Refrigerated medications: If you take medications that require refrigeration, take precautions and have a plan in place to continue storing at the appropriate temperature.
  • Get on “disabled or other access and functional needs" lists: Contact your local fire department to learn whether they maintain a list of people with medical needs. Being on his list may help them better respond to you during emergencies.
  • Emergency contacts: Keep emergency phone numbers handy.
  • Backup plan: Develop plans to leave your home in the event of a lengthy power outage. Share this plan with family, friends, and others that should be aware.

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (6)


  • Keep importantphone numbers (e.g., hospital, fire department, police, friends and relatives) in a convenient location in case you need emergency or other assistance.
  • Keepacellphoneorhard­wired, single linetelephoneonhand. Cordlessphonesdonotworkwithout electricity.
  • Keepaflashlightwithextra,fresh batteriesinaconvenientplace.Avoid usingcandlesbecauseoftheriskof fire.Ifyoumustusecandles,please useextremecaution.
  • Turnoffheat­ producingappliances (e.g.,ovens,stovetopsandirons)prior totheoutage.Thiswilleliminateafire hazardwhenpowercomesbackon.
  • Makesureyoucanmanually(without power) openyourautomaticgaragedoor orgateorparkyourvehicleoutside.
  • Notifyyouralarmcompanyifyouhave analarmsystemasequipment canbeaffectedbypoweroutages.
  • InformSDG&Eifyouhaveagenerator that you will use during the outage. Donotuseitunlessyouaresure itwasinstalledsafelyandcorrectly. Anincorrectlyinstalledgeneratorcan damageyourpropertyandendangeryou andSDG&E'slineworkerswhomaybe workingonnearbypowerlines.

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (7)

Protect Your Appliances and Equipment

  • Unplug your sensitive equipment such as:
    • Microwaves
    • Computers
    • DVRs
    • Televisions
  • Install sensors or surge protectors to protect your appliances and equipment from surges when the power is restored.
  • Turn off any major appliances like washers or air conditioners to prevent them from unexpectedly coming on when the power is restored.
  • Leave one light on so you’ll know when the power is back on.
  • Double-check to make sure all heat producing appliances like stoves, toaster ovens, irons and hair curlers, are turned off to minimize any fire hazard if the power is restored while you’re away.
  • Visit our Planning for Unplanned Power Outages page

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (8)

Stay connected during a power outage

  • Purchase a power back-up for your cellphone. If you use a generator, place it outdoors and plug individual appliances directly into it, using a heavy-duty extension cord. Connecting generators directly to household circuits creates “backfeed,” which is dangerous to repair crews. Please consult your manufacturer’s manual.

  • Use your phone as a hotspot if internet is required for devices. Be sure to check with your provider on your data allotment and turn off your hotspot as soon as you are finished to avoid incurring extra charges.

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (9)

Generator Use

  • Unless installed by a licensed electrician, standby or portable generators should NOT be connected to your electric service panel or any electrical outlet. Failure to install a standby generator safely and properly could endanger you, our employees, or the public.
  • InformSDG&Eifyouhaveagenerator that you will use during the outage by calling 1-800-211-SDGE.

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (10)

Perishable foods in your refrigerator and freezer may or may not be safe to consume after an electric outage. It depends on things like the length of the outage and outdoor temperatures. You can take steps to keep your food fresh longer. There are also things you can do to make sure your food is still safe to eat once the fridge is running again.

  • Keep it closed: Open refrigerator and freezer doors only when necessary. Depending on the outside temperature an unopened refrigerator can keep foods cold enough for several hours. Placing blocks of ice inside will help keep food cold longer. Check food carefully for signs of spoilage.
    • A closed refrigerator can keep food cold for up to 24 hours
    • A freezer can keep food frozen for up to 48 hours.
    • A refrigerator or freezer that are full of food will maintain temperature longer than ones that are half full or empty, provided the doors remain closed.
  • Draw the line at 40 degrees:Perishable foods should not be held above 40 degrees Fahrenheit for more than two hours.
  • Coolers & ice chests: For outages longer than two hours, food items such as dairy products, meats, fish, poultry, eggs and leftovers should be packed into a cooler with ice. A separate cooler can be packed with frozen items.
  • Cans & dry goods:Canned food, dry goods, and powdered or boxed milk can be consumed at room temperature or heated on a grill. Keep on hand non-perishable food that doesn't require cooking and make sure you have a manual can opener.
  • Dry ice:Dry ice can be used to help protect the items in your refrigerator and freezer during extremely long outages.
    • Use gloves when handling dry ice, and don't place it in direct contact with food or drinks.
  • Leave a light on:When you go to bed, leave a bedroom light switched on. It will wake you when power returns, so you can check the condition of your food.
  • If you’re not home: If a power outage happens while you're out of the house, try to determine how long it has been out. Check the internal temperature of perishables in your refrigerator with a quick-response thermometer; any item above 40 degrees should be thrown out. If power comes back on in less than 24 hours and your freezer is fairly full, your frozen items should be safe. If the refrigerator was out for more than 24 hours, you should get rid of perishables.

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (11)

Electric Garage Doors and Gates

It’s recommended you remove your vehicle before the outage. Once power is back on, check to make sure your garage door and/or gate is working properly. Know how to override or manually operate your security gates or garage doors.

Planned Outages for Services Improvements (12)

Business Owners

  • Establish a “power outage response team” to initiate response protocols established by your business resiliency plan in the event of an outage.

  • Create a hardcopy list of emergency phone numbers — police, fire, hospital, and emergency management, and post for your employees.
  • Develop internal and external communications protocols to keep staff informed.
  • Make sure employees are aware and trained on safety response protocols, include such items as:
    • Procedures for disconnecting and powering down equipment
    • Procedures for entering and exiting the facility
    • Requirements for data backup and retrieval
    • Work-from-home requirements
    • An emergency plan for employees who rely on medical equipment — this may include instructions on a backup power supply or transportation to another facility.
    • Discuss basic first aid and CPR training, evacuation routes, and communication protocols.
    • Ensure emergency lighting, signage, and exit signs are operable and clearly visible.
    • Install carbon monoxide detectors with battery backup in central locations throughout your business to ensure they continue to function and alert you of toxic emissions.
    • Review building security and safety systems, and establish mitigation solutions. Ensure you have complimentary plans for communicating shipping and receiving delays, back-up generator requirements, and banking support.
For more information about outages, visit our outage center.

After a Power Outage

Wait a few minutes before turning on electronics. This will help eliminate problems that could occur if there’s a surge in demand immediately after power is restored.

  1. Reset clocks, automatic timers, alarms, thermostats, and other programmed equipment.
  2. Thoroughly check refrigerated foods for signs of spoilage to make sure they are safe to eat. Use a thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer so you can know the temperature when the power is restored.
  3. Check on neighbors and friends in the area.
  4. If you see a downed power line, stay away and do not touch it. Call 911 and call us immediately to report it at 1-800-411-7343.

For more information about outages and how to prepare, please visit our Outage Center.

Outage Notifications
Sign up for outage alerts and adjust your notification preferences.

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Planned Outages for Services Improvements (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.